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Recruiting UNC Bears

我们很高兴你们想要招募和雇用博天堂官方的学生. You will find 以下是与学生互动的方法,但也请使用我们的 FAQ 为您的问题找到快速的答案.

  • Posting on Handshake
    1. Log into Handshake
    2. Select "Employer"
    3. 填写信息,点击“报名”
    4. 确认您的电子邮件地址在握手
    5. Click "Create New Company"
    6. Note: If you are a 北科罗拉多大学, on-campus employer, use the following 公司名称格式:unc -办公室名称(例如,UNC-Financial Aid)
    7. 填写表格,点击“创建新公司”
    8. Click "Post a Job"
    9. Fill out all information that relates to your job and finish by clicking "Create"

    如果你有问题,你可以来参观 Handshake's Help Center 或发邮件给职业准备中心办公室,地址是 Career.Readiness@powerpraat.com.

    As a supporter of UNC, you can have any of these completed by a current student or 明矾,让你更容易回馈社会,保持高效率. Clicking the links to post a project will take you over to the Parker Dewey platform and allow you to make edits before posting your request.

  • Posting on Parker Dewey

    Parker Dewey enables companies to leverage college students and recent grads to complete short-term tasks. 这些任务是一个很好的机会来发展个人,并得到一些 完成的任务,你的公司可能没有足够的时间. In addition, companies can identify individuals, including those from diverse or underrepresented backgrounds, and evaluate skills, interests, and fit before committing to a hiring or internship decision.

    您可以找到导航Parker Dewey平台的帮助 HERE or learn how to post a project HERE

  • Career Fairs and Events

    你可以找到我们即将举办的展会和活动的信息 HERE.

  • 校园座谈和面试

    If you are interested in conducting tabling or interviews on campus, please contact our team at career.readiness@powerpraat.com.


We expect that all employers review and agree to the National Association of Colleges and Employer 专业实务原则. 雇主必须为大学毕业生或学生提供当前或预期的工作机会 interns. 对于雇佣在校生的雇主,雇主必须有“雇主-雇员”协议。 relationship for paid positions (W-2) and have no required fees (other than professional 职业雇员的牌照费). 我们希望雇主遵守所有的联邦规定 and state 平等就业机会(EEO)  Laws and Guidelines.

In addition, employers recruiting at UNC will embrace the institutions values which include academic integrity, excellence, teaching and learning, diversity of thought 文化,思想自由,机会平等.

All employer recruitment activities on campus are required to adhere to the following policies. 如果雇主违反任何这些政策和/或学生投诉 filed regarding an employer, the Center for Career Readiness will review the complaint and reserves the right to deny an organization campus recruiting services pending 调查的结果.  

  • Handshake

    Job and internship postings on Handshake must display accurate information about the positions they represent. 因此,雇主将被要求提供具体的 required information about the positions they post to Handshake, including but not 限于工作或实习职位,工资/薪水信息,以及职位描述 duties. 职业准备中心的工作人员将审查张贴并激活 them if they meet requirements.

    All employers must be verified as legitimate organizations by providing a valid business name, physical address, email address, phone number (website is desirable) and the 可按所列地址联络的联系人姓名.  Foreign based businesses may be verified by the U.S. Department of State.

  • Non-Agency In-Home Services

    UNC does not assist in the recruitment of domestic positions, such as those in healthcare, 托儿、割草、司机、家教等. 相反,您可以利用服务 such as Care.com, United Way, or Craigslist.

    Please note, we refer UNC students who are interested in domestic employment positions to the websites noted above.

  • Colorado’s Cannabis Industry

    Due to federal funding, organizations and representatives of the cannabis industry are ineligible to post jobs on Handshake, conduct on-campus interviews, and participate in UNC’s career fairs.

  • 第三方招聘机构

    We follow general NACE guidelines in working with third-party agencies as published in the Principles for Professional Conduct for Career Services and Employment Professionals. 


    • Third party recruiters will be allowed to post positions if they provide a full job/internship description for a valid opening and disclose the nature of the relationship between 该机构和雇主以职业服务人员. Although not required to be included in the posting itself, it is required that the name of the employer for which 第三方提供的是招聘服务,提供的是就业服务. 
    • Third party recruiters must comply with all Federal and State Equal Employment Opportunity 法律(第六章和第九章以及《博天堂官方》).
    • Charge no fees to candidates.
    • 根据家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA),发布 候选人的信息只提供给指定的雇主. Re-disclosure of candidate information to other employers or entities is not permitted without the explicit written consent of the candidate.
    • 提供一个有效空缺的职位描述.
  • 基于佣金的“1099”职位
    • 1099 positions must include the following disclaimer in the posting: “This is a 1099 position. 按1099计酬的人是独立的承包商和自雇人士. Independent contractors are required to pay all self-employment taxes (Social Security & 医疗保险)以及所得税. 独立承包商一般不会收到 客户提供的任何形式的雇佣福利. 更多信息请参考 to www.irs.咨询或咨询税务专家.”
    • 不允许采用上门销售模式的公司/组织使用 博天堂官方职业准备中心提供的服务和资源.
    • The organization is expected to have training and ongoing support including marking materials.
    • No non-refundable fees or purchases are acceptable, and no compensation should be 专注于为组织招募更多的人.
    • The organization should not expect UNC students or alumni to repay expenses if they 决定离开公司.
  • 最佳实践和要求

    The UNC Center for Career Readiness asks that all employers who wish to recruit on 校园博天堂官方的办公室,并遵守我们的政策.

    • Employers must go through our office to coordinate campus engagement, including marketing materials, unless you have a personal connection with a faculty or staff member on 邀请你参加他们的课堂或活动的学校. Dropping in unannounced or reaching out using the university directory is not an acceptable recruitment practice on campus.
    • Employers should not put pressure on students to apply to a position and/or accept a job offer.
    • 在学生找工作的过程中或在他们的工作中收取费用是不可接受的 employment.


我们的学生和校友重视公平和包容的工作环境. As they research organizations during their job search journey, it is important for employers to develop 一个深思熟虑的、积极主动的招聘和招聘计划. 创建组织文化 focused on diversity and inclusion is a key component of a successful organization 员工如何发挥各自的优势,一起工作. Below are questions to consider and resources to review when developing a recruitment strategy and inclusive work environment.